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******************************** INPUT ************************************
ASMLIB Input subroutines (C) Copyright 1991 - 1994 Douglas Herr
all rights reserved
A$EDIT: editor module used by TEdit and GEdit.
Must be called by GEdit or TEdit
Source: a$edit.asm (getkey.asm, isdigit.asm, toupper.asm, tolower.asm)
TEdit and GEdit edit a string on a single row of the screen
(without word wrap). Strings longer than the column width of
the screen are scrolled left or right as required. A public
byte in A$EDIT's data area, EWIDTH, establishes the effective
screen width limit. EWIDTH is a not-to-exceed limit; if the
actual screen width is less than EWIDTH, EWIDTH is ignored
and the actual screen width is used instead. ASMLIB's default
EWIDTH is 132.
A$EDIT commands for both TEdit and GEdit are:
Ctrl+left arrow = word left
Ctrl+right arrow = word right
Ctrl+end = clear to end of string
Home = go to start of string
End = go to end of string
Option bits, passed to GEdit or TEdit in register AL, are:
Option 1 = upper case input
Option 2 = lower case input
Option 1 OR 2 = digits only input
Option 4 = exit when any non-editing extended key is pressed
(example: F-keys, Alt+key; see TEdit)
CLEARKEY: clears the keyboard's 'type-ahead' buffer
Uses BIOS functions to remove all keys in the buffer.
Source: clearkey.asm
Call with: no parameters
Returns: nothing
Uses: nothing
Supports: standard and enhanced keyboards
Example: call clearkey
GEDIT: string editor for graphics modes
See also TEdit for text modes, A$EDIT for general information
Source: gedit.asm (a$edit.asm, gprint.asm, a$graph.asm, gcursor.asm,
strspace.asm, heap.asm)
Call with: DS:[SI] pointing to string buffer; may include a default string
DS:[DX] pointing to x- & y-coordinates
assumes DS:@data
CX = byte size of buffer
AL = option bits (see A$EDIT)
You must initialize the near heap before calling GEdit.
GEdit only works with DrawMode 1 or -1 (see DrawMode in
GRAPHICS.DOC). GEdit forces drawmode to 1 or -1 and restores
the previous drawmode on exit.
Returns: AX = last key pressed (see getkey for key codes)
CX = new string length
Uses: AX, CX, flags
Supports: all ASMLIB graphics modes
x dw 8 ; x-coordinate (pixels from left edge)
y dw 100 ; y-coordinate (pixels from top of screen)
extrn ewidth:byte ; byte in A$EDIT used to limit columns
; displayed
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
assume ds:@data
mov ewidth,40 ; there's stuff on the right side of
; the screen that should be left alone
lea si,string_buffer ; near address of string buffer
mov cx,len_buffer ; byte length of buffer for the string
mov al,0 ; nothing tricky
lea dx,x ; point to x & y coordinates
; see GPrint for explanation of x and y
call gedit
GETKEY: returns next key pressed
Source: getkey.asm
Call with: no parameters
Returns: AL = ASCII key code
AH = 0 if normal key
AH = 1 if extended key code (such as function keys)
Uses: AX
Uses BIOS functions; supports enhanced keyboard if present
Supports: standard and enhanced keyboards
Example: call getkey
shr ah,1 ; a function key?
jc function_key ; jump if so
GPICKF: pick a file from a list of filenames
GPickF pops a window on the screen and displays filenames
matching an input filespec mask. One filename may be selected
with cursor keys or with hotkeys. When Esc, Enter or ^C is
pressed, GPickF restores the screen and returns the selected
filename to the calling program.
Unused memory must be released by STARTUP (see STARTUP.ASM or
TINY.ASM). Also requires near heap (see HINIT).
See also MenuOption.
Source: gpickf.asm (filelist.asm, $gpick.asm, a$menu.asm, $graph.asm)
Call with: DS:[SI] pointing to filespec mask
BX = initial selection (0 = first filename)
CX = file attribute mask
DS:[DX] pointing to upper left corner of menu box
assumes DS:DGROUP
Returns: AX = last key pressed
ES:[BX] points to filename selected
CX = maximum length of filename
Uses: AX, BX, CX, ES
Supports: all ASMLIB graphics modes
Example: see PICKF
GPICKSTR: pick a string from a list of ASCIIZ strings
Source: gpickstr.asm ($gpick.asm, $strlist.asm, a$menu.asm, $graph.asm)
Call with: DS:[SI] pointing to list of ASCIIZ strings
BX = initial cursor position
DS:[DX] pointing to (x,y) coordinates of upper left corner
of selection box
GPickStr pops a window on the screen and displays the list
of strings. One string may be selected with cursor keys
or with hotkeys. When Esc, Enter or ^C is pressed, GPickStr
restores the screen and returns a string index number.
Unused memory must be released by STARTUP (see STARTUP.ASM and
TINY.ASM), and the near heap must be initialized (see HINIT).
See also MenuOption. Maximum number of choices: 255
Returns: AX = last key pressed
BX = string number selected (first string = 0)
Uses: AX, BX
Supports: all ASMLIB graphics modes
Example: see PICKSTR
ISALPHA: determines if a keycode returned by GetKey is a letter from
A-Z or a-z.
Source: isalpha.asm
Call with: AX = keycode returned by GetKey.
Returns: if CF = 0, keycode is a character from A-Z or a-z
if CF = 1, keycode is not a character from A-Z or a-z
AX is not changed
Uses: CF
Example: call getkey ; get next keystroke
call isalpha
jc not_alpha
ISDIGIT: determines if a keycode returned by GetKey is the ASCII code
for the numeric characters 0-9
Source: isdigit.asm
Call with: AX = keycode returned by GetKey.
Returns: if CF = 0, keycode is a character from 0-9
if CF = 1, keycode is not a character from 0-9
AX is not changed
Uses: CF
Example: call getkey ; get next keystroke
call isdigit ; I want numbers only
jc not_a_number
ISLOWER: determine if a keycode returned by GetKey is lower case
Source: islower.asm
ISUPPER: determine if a keycode returned by GetKey is upper case
Source: isupper.asm
Call with: AX = keycode returned by GetKey.
Returns: if CF = 0, keycode is a character from A-Z or a-z
if CF = 1, keycode is not a character from A-Z or a-z
AX is not changed
Uses: CF
Example: call getkey ; get next keystroke
call isupper ; is it upper case?
jc not_upper ; no; could be lower case
JANEIN: German language version of YesNo
waits for 'J' or 'N' key to be pressed
Source: janein.asm
Call with: no parameters
Key pressed may be upper or lower case. Upper case is
returned. Uses BIOS functions
Returns: AX = 'J' or AX = 'N'
future version will also return ^C
Uses: AX
include asm.inc
extrn JaNein:proc
call JaNein
KEYIFWAITING:Returns first key if one is waiting in the keyboard buffer,
or returns with no keycode if no keypress is waiting.
Source: kifwait.asm (getkey.asm)
Call with: no parameters
Returns: AX = 0 if no key waiting
AX = keycode if one is waiting in the buffer. Uses BIOS.
Uses: AX
Example: call keyifwaiting
KEYORBUTTON: waits for first keypress or mouse button click
Source: mouse.asm (getkey.asm)
Call with: no parameters
If a keypress is waiting in the keyboard buffer before
this subroutine is called, the keycode is returned to
the calling program without checking mouse button status.
Returns: AX = keycode, BX = mouse button code (see MouseStatus)
Uses: AX, BX
Supports: 2- or 3-button mouse, standard or enhanced keyboard
Example: call keyorbutton
KEYWAITING: Determines if a key is waiting in the keyboard buffer.
Does not remove the key code from the buffer. Uses BIOS.
Source: getkey.asm
Call with: no parameters
Returns: AX = 0 if no key waiting
AX = 1 if key waiting
Uses: AX
Supports: standard or enhanced keyboard
Example: call keywaiting
or ax,ax ; has a key been pressed?
jz no_key ; nope, not yet
Source: a$menu.asm
Call with: AX = option value
BX = option number
If you do not specify any options or if you call MenuOption
with AX = 0, default values are assumed.
options available are: defaults:
0 = normal text color 07h
1 = current selection color 70h
2 = list box color 0Fh
3 = hotkey color 0Fh (1)
4 = optional quitkey no quitkey (2)
5 = exit when hotkey pressed 00h (3)
6 = box frame type (see WFRAME) -1 (4)
(1) the first upper-case letter in each string is that string's hotkey
no upper-case character = no hotkey
(2) the quitkey value is a keycode returned by GetKey
(3) use AX = -1 for exit when hotkey pressed, AX = 0 to disable
(4) text modes only
Returns: nothing
Uses: nothing
Supports: GPickF, GPickStr, PullDown, PickF, PickStr menu systems
include asm.inc
extrn menuoption:proc, pulldown:proc
mov bx,0 ; text color
mov ax,23 ; white w/ blue background
; in graph modes, this would be
call menuoption
MOUSELIMIT: limits mouse's range of motion
Source: mouse.asm
Call with: DS:[BX] pointing to pixel coordinates of minimum and maximum
x and y limits. X-limits are the horizontal dimension and
y-limits are the vertical dimension.
Returns: nothing
Uses: nothing
x0 dw 30
y0 dw 15
x1 dw 620
y1 dw 250
mov ax,@data ; you don't need to do this stuff after
mov ds,ax ; your startup code unless you've messed with
assume ds:@data ; DS somewhere earlier in the program
lea bx,x ; DS:[BX] points to limits
call mouselimit
MOUSEPOS: sets the mouse's position
Source: mouse.asm
Call with: DS:[DX] pointing to desired x- and y-coordinates
Note that mouse coordinates are expressed as a pixel location
as with graphics mode, even if the system is in text mode
Returns: nothing
Uses: nothing
x dw 100
y dw 25
mov ax,@data ; you don't need to do this stuff after
mov ds,ax ; your startup code unless you've messed with
assume ds:@data ; DS somewhere earlier in the program
lea dx,x ; DS:[DX] points to desired position
call mousepos
MOUSESTATUS: determine mouse position & buttons pressed
Source: mouse.asm
Call with: no parameters
Returns: if ZF = 1, no buttons are pressed
if ZF = 0, BX = button code
BX bit 0 if set = left button is down
BX bit 1 if set = right button is down
BX bit 2 if set = center button is down
CX = horizontal (x) coordinate
DX = vertical (y) coordinate
Note that mouse positions are expressed as a pixel location
as with graphics mode, even if the system is in text mode
Uses: BX, CX, DX, flags
Example: call mousestatus
jz no_buttons ; no buttons pressed if ZF = 1
OUINON: French language version of YesNo
waits for 'O' or 'N' key to be pressed
Source: ouinon.asm
Call with: no parameters
Key pressed may be upper or lower case. Upper case is
returned. Uses BIOS functions
Returns: AX = 'O' or AX = 'N'
future version will also return ^C
Uses: AX
include asm.inc
extrn OuiNon:proc
call OuiNon
PICKF: pick a file from a list of filenames
PickF pops a window on the screen and displays filenames
matching an input filespec mask. One filename may be selected
with cursor keys or with hotkeys. When Esc, Enter or ^C is
pressed, PickF restores the screen and returns the selected
filename to the calling program.
Unused memory must be released by STARTUP (see STARTUP.ASM).
PickF allocates a block of DOS memory which should be released
after you are done with it. See example.
See also MenuOption.
Source: pickf.asm ($pick.asm, $listw.asm, m$putw.asm, filelist.asm,
dosalloc.asm, wsave.asm, a$menu.asm)
Call with: DS:[SI] pointing to filespec mask
BX = initial cursor position
CX = file attribute mask
DH = top screen row for list (centered if DH = 0FFh)
DL = left screen column for list (centered if DL = 0FFh)
Returns: if CF = 0, AX = last key pressed
ES:[BX] points to filename selected
CX = maximum length of filename
if CF = 1, no filenames match input filespec
Uses: AX, BX, CX, ES, CF
Supports: text mode
include asm.inc
public myproc
extrn pickf:proc
filespec db '*.asm',0 ; search for ASM source code
; program fragment assumes DS:@data
lea si,filespec
mov bx,0 ; start at top of list
xor dx,dx ; upper left corner of screen
mov cx,0 ; normal files only
call pickf
cmp ax,0Dh ; was Enter the last key pressed?
jne abort ; nope - someone wants out
call strndup ; yup - copy filename to near heap
mov ah,49h
int 21h ; release the filename buffer
PICKSTR: pick a string from a list of ASCIIZ strings
Source: pickstr.asm ($pick.asm, m$putw.asm, $strlist.asm, $listw.asm,
dosalloc.asm, wsave.asm, a$menu.asm)
Call with: DS:[SI] pointing to list of ASCIIZ strings
BX = initial cursor position
DH = top screen row for list (centered if DH = 0FFh)
DL = left screen column for list (centered if DL = 0FFh)
PickStr pops a window on the screen and displays the list
of strings. One string may be selected with cursor keys
or with hotkeys. When Esc, Enter or ^C is pressed, PickStr
restores the screen and returns a string index number.
Unused memory must be released by STARTUP (see STARTUP.ASM).
See also MenuOption. Maximum number of choices: 255
Returns: AX = last key pressed
BX = string number selected (first string = 0)
Uses: AX, BX
Supports: text mode
include asm.inc
public myproc
extrn pickstr:proc
string1 db 'January',0
db 'February',0
db 'March',0
db 'April',0
db 'May',0
db 'June',0
db 'July',0
db 'August',0
db 'September',0
db 'October',0
db 'November',0
db 'December',0
db 0 ; mark end of menu strings
; program fragment assumes DS:@data
lea si,string1
mov bx,1
xor dx,dx
call pickstr
PULLDOWN: pull-down menu system
Source: pulldown.asm (a$menu.asm, tprint.asm, tprintce.asm, tputchr.asm
strlen.asm, wclear.asm, wframe.asm, wsize.asm
wsave.asm, getkey.asm, pickstr.asm and others)
Call with: DS:[SI] pointing to menu labels
BH = initial main menu choice, BL = initial submenu choice
assumes DS:@data
Unused memory must be released (see STARTUP.ASM and ENDPROG)
If PullDown is called with BL < 0, only the main headings are
printed initally; the submenus are printed when ENTER is
pressed, a mouse button is pressed, or when either the down
arrow key is pressed or a "down" mouse movement is detected.
If PullDown is called with BL >= 0, it starts in the full main
headings plus submenus mode. In this mode, a mouse button
click or the ENTER key will exit PullDown. In either mode,
ESC, ^C or the user-defined quitkey (see MenuOption) causes
PullDown to return to the calling program.
If there are too many main headings to fit across the top of the
screen, the headings are scrolled left or right as required to
show the selected heading. Use Left, Right, Home and End keys
to change selected headings. Maximum number of headings: 20
If there are too many submenu choices under a heading to fit
on the screen, the selections are scrolled up or down as required
to show the selected item. Use Up, Down, PgUp, PgDown keys
to change selection, or press highlighted letter of selection.
Maximum number of selections per heading: 255
Returns: BH = main menu choice, BL = submenu choice
if CF = 1, ^C or Ctrl-Break was pressed
if CF = 0
AX = 13 if ENTER was pressed
AX = user-defined quitkey if pressed (see MenuOption)
AX = 0 if insufficient DOS memory is available
AX = 27 if ESC was pressed
AH = 1-7, AL = 0 if mouse button pressed
Uses: AX, BX
Supports: text mode; all row/column configurations supported by ASMLIB
Text subroutines
see next page
; this sample menu has 4 main menu headings:
; Critters, Things, Food, Trees
; submenu choices for each main heading follow each main heading
; Note that each string is terminated with NUL, and that there's an
; extra NUL between the end of the submenu choices and the next main
; heading.
; The entire set of menu choices is terminated with 2 NUL bytes
; PULLDOWN will return to the calling program when either ESCAPE or
; ENTER is pressed (AX = ASCII code of key pressed). PULLDOWN returns
; AX = 0 if insufficient memory is available to save the underlying
; screen, or AX = 3 if breaktrap was enabled and Ctrl+Break was pressed.
; On return, BH = the main heading and BL = the submenu choice in effect
; when the key was pressed. The first main heading is number 0, and
; the first submenu choice for each main heading is also number 0.
include asm.inc
extrn pulldown:proc
menu db 'Critters',0
db 'Goats',0,'Chickens',0,'Turkeys',0,'Cows',0,'Snow dogs',0
db 0 ; separate Things from Critters
db 'Things',0
db 'Computers',0,'Tractors',0,'CPU chips',0,'Barbie dolls',0
db 0 ; separate Food from Things
db 'Food',0
db 'Hot dogs',0,'Wheat germ',0,'Lasagne',0,'Cheerios',0
db 'Potatoes',0,'chocolate chip cooKies',0
db 0 ; separate Trees from Food
db 'Trees',0
db 'giant Sequoia',0,'black Spruce',0,'Willow',0,'live Oak',0
db 'Acacia',0,'digger Pine',0
db 2 dup(0) ; end of menu choices
; program fragment assumes DS:@data
lea si,menu ; point to menu labels
xor bx,bx ; initial selection is "goats"
call pulldown
SINO: Spanish language version of YesNo
waits for 'S' or 'N' key to be pressed
Source: sino.asm
Call with: no parameters
Key pressed may be upper or lower case. Upper case is
returned. Uses BIOS functions
Returns: AX = 'S' or AX = 'N'
future version will also return ^C
Uses: AX
Example: call sino
TEDIT: ASCIIZ string editor for text modes
See also GEdit for graphics modes, A$EDIT for general information.
TEdit turns the cursor off (with CursorOFF) on exit.
Source: tedit.asm (a$edit.asm, cursor.asm, a$clrw.asm, str2vbuf.asm,
Call with: DS:[SI] pointing to string buffer; may include a default string
assumes DS:@data
CX = byte size of buffer (excluding terminating NUL)
AH = color attribute
AL = option bits (see A$EDIT)
DH = row (offset from top of screen)
DL = column (offset from left edge of screen)
Returns: AX = last key pressed (see GetKey for key codes)
CX = new string length
Uses: AX, CX, flags
Supports: text modes; all row/column configurations
Example on next page
; TEdit example:
include asm.inc
extrn tedit:proc
extrn estart:word, elast:word
string_buffer db 120 dup(' ')
len_buffer equ $-string_buffer
db 0 ; give it a terminal NUL
; program fragment assumes DS:@data
lea si,string_buffer ; near address of string buffer
mov cx,len_buffer ; byte length of buffer for the string
mov dh,row
mov dl,column
mov ah,attr ; color attribute
mov al,2 ; force lower case
or al,4 ; trap Up & Down arrow keys
call tedit
shr ah,1 ; returned due to extended key?
jnc normal_exit
; check for desired extended keys
cmp al,72 ; Up arrow key?
je go_up
cmp al,80 ; Down arrow key?
je go_down
; extended key pressed was not Up or Down
; get cursor position when key was pressed & force TEdit to resume
; at that point
mov ax,elast ; last cursor position
mov estart,ax ; force non-zero starting offset
jmp string_edit
TMOUSELIMIT: limits mouse's range of motion on text mode screen
Source: tmlimit.asm
Call with: DS:[BX] pointing to character coordinates of minimum and maximum
rows and columns. Columns are the horizontal dimension and
rows are the vertical dimension.
Returns: nothing
Uses: nothing
x0 dw 3 ; first row
y0 dw 1 ; first column
x1 dw 20 ; last row
y1 dw 50 ; last column
; program fragment assumes DS:@DATA
lea bx,x ; DS:[BX] points to limits
call tmouselimit
TMOUSEPOS: set mouse position on text-mode screen
Source: tmouspos.asm
Call with: DH = row (vertical position)
DL = column (horizontal position)
Returns: nothing
Uses: flags
; I want to center the mouse cursor on a standard 80-column, 25-row screen
include asm.inc
extrn tmousepos:proc
mov dh,12 ; close to vertical center
; coordinates are 0 through 24 vertially
mov dl,39 ; coordinates are 0 through 79 horizontally
call tmousepos
TMOUSESTATUS:determine mouse position on text screen & buttons pressed
Source: tmstatus.asm
Call with: no parameters
assumes mouse is installed (see IsMouse in SYSTEM.DOC)
Returns: if ZF = 1, no buttons are pressed
if ZF = 0, BX = button code
BX bit 0 if set = left button is down
BX bit 1 if set = right button is down
BX bit 2 if set = center button is down
DH = row (vertical position)
DL = column (horizontal position)
Uses: BX, DX, flags
Example: call tmousestatus
jz no_buttons ; no buttons pressed if ZF = 1
TOLOWER: converts keycode returned by getkey to lower case
Source: tolower.asm
Call with: AX = keycode
Returns: AX = lower case keycode
ToLower leaves the keycode alone if the keycode is not
upper case A-Z.
Uses: AX
Example: call getkey
call tolower
TOUPPER: converts keycode returned by getkey to upper case
Source: toupper.asm
Call with: AX = keycode
Returns: AX = upper case keycode
ToUpper leaves the keycode alone if the keycode is not
lower case a-z.
Uses: AX
Example: call getkey
call toupper
YESNO: waits for 'Y' or 'N' key to be pressed
Source: yesno.asm
Call with: no parameters
Key pressed may be upper or lower case. Upper case is
returned. Uses BIOS functions
Returns: AX = 'Y' or AX = 'N'
future version will also return ^C
Uses: AX
Example: call yesno